Feb 14, 2012

Master Scholarships in Environmental Science, Netherlands
P.O. Box 3015, 2601 DA Delft, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 - (0) 15-2151715 Fax: 31 - (0) 15-2122921
E-mail: Internet info@unesco-ihe.org: www.unesco-ihe.org

MSc in Environmental Planning and Management

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 18.5 months
The next course begins: October 18, 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Educational requirements: 2 to 3 years of relevant work experience
Professional requirements: Preferably 2 to 3 years of practical work experience or research
Other requirements: BSc degree or equivalent qualification in a relevant field from a recognized university
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

MSc Environmental Science and Technology

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 18.5 months
The next course begins: October 18, 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc degree or equivalent qualification in a relevant field from a recognized university.
Professional requirements: Several years of relevant work experience
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

MSc in Environmental Technology and Engineering (Erasmus Mundus Program)

Takes (partly) place in: Czech Republic, Belgium
Cause: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
The next course begins: October 18, 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc degree or equivalent qualification in a relevant field from a recognized university.
Professional requirements: Several years of relevant work experience
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

MSc Environmental Technology for Sustainable Development with the AIT, Thailand

Takes (partly) place in: Thailand
Cause: MSc
Course duration: 22 months
The next course begins: August 15, 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc degree or equivalent qualification in a relevant field from a recognized university
Professional requirements: Several years of relevant work experience
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

MSc in Limnology and Wetland Ecosystems

Takes (partly) place in: Austria, Kenya
Cause: MSc
Course duration: 18.5 months
The next course begins: October 18, 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc degree or equivalent qualification in a relevant field from a recognized university.
Professional requirements: Several years of relevant work experience
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

MSc in Water Quality Management

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 18.5 months
The next course begins: October 18, 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc degree or equivalent qualification in a relevant field from a recognized university
Professional Requirements: Preferably 2 to 3 years work experience or research.
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

MSc in Water Resources Management

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 18.5 months
The next course begins: October 18, 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc degree or equivalent qualification in a relevant field from a recognized university.
Professional Requirements: Preferably 2 to 3 years work experience or research.
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

Radboud University Nijmegen
Faculty of Science
P.O. Box 9010, 6500 GL Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 - (0) 24-3653342 Fax: 31 - (0) 24-3652888
E-mail: h.nijssen @ science.ru.nl
Internet: www.ru.nl/english/education/programmes/

Environmental Sciences: Water Management Transnational Ecosystembased

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
The next course starts: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Education Requirements: BSc or equivalent in related fields; degree from the University of Applied Science in a related field.
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

Saxion University of Applied Science Deventer
School of Environmental Planning & Building
P.O. Box 501, 7400 AM Deventer, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 - (0) 570-603789 Fax: 31 - (0) 570-663628
E-mail: Internet internationaloffice@saxion.nl: www.saxion.edu

MSc. in Environmental Science

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 13 months
The next course starts: 3 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Education requirements: Bachelor's degree in environmental science, biology, ecology, agriculture, forestry or other scientific or technical discipline related.
Other requirements: Students must demonstrate that they have the ability, motivation and determination to successfully complete the course: students must have sufficient English language skills for a particular course. Qualifying students will be assessed by the Registration Officers of a particular course based on the Diploma provided, CVs, motivation letters and if necessary Intake Interview.
Gender category: 2. Contains compulsory modules that relate to gender

MSc. Nature Conservation & Biodiversity Management

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 13 months
The next course starts: 3 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Education requirements: Bachelor's degree in environmental science, biology, ecology, agriculture, forestry or other scientific or technical discipline related.
Other requirements: Students must demonstrate that they have the ability, motivation and determination to successfully complete the course. Students must have sufficient English language skills for a particular course. Qualifying students will be assessed by the Registration Officers of a particular course based on the Diploma provided, CVs, motivation letters and if necessary Intake Interview.
Gender category: 2. Contains compulsory modules that relate to gender

University of Groningen
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
P.O. Box 72, 9700 AB Groningen, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 - (0) 50-3634615 Fax: 31 - (0) 50-3634500
E-mail: Internet masters@fwn.rug.nl: www.rug.nl / internationalmasters

Energy and Environmental Science

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
The next course starts: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Education Requirements: Bachelor's degree in natural sciences.
Sex: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available

University of Twente
P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 - (0) 53-4895489 Fax: 31 - (0) 53-4894340
E-mail: master@utwente.nl
Internet: http://www.universiteittwente.nl/education/mb

Environment and Energy Management

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 12 months
The next course begins: August 24, 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc degree (or equivalent) with a high quality and level. The main subjects of BSc study should be considered in accordance with UT-MSc program.
Sex: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available

University of Twente
ITC, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation of the University of Twente
P.O. Box 6, 7500 AA Enschede, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 - (0) 53-4874444 Fax: 31 - (0) 53-4874400
E-mail: Internet education@itc.nl: www.itc.nl

Geoinformatics, with IIRS, Dehra Dun, India (ITC) (MSc)

Takes (partly) place in: India
Cause: MSc
Course duration: 18 months
The next course starts: 24 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc degree from a recognized university in a relevant field of study.
Professional Requirements: Preferably work experience in fields related to Geoinformatics.
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

Geoinformatics, with KN Toosi University, Tehran, Iran (ITC) (MSc)

Takes (partly) place in: Iran
Cause: MSc
Course duration: 18 months
The next course starts: 1 April 2013
Academic application deadlines: 24 April 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: May 1, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc degree from a recognized university in a relevant field of study.
Professional Requirements: Preferably work experience in fields related to Geoinformatics.
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

Geo-information for Spatial Planning & Risk Management, with Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (ITC) (MSc)

Takes (partly) place in: Indonesia
Cause: MSc
Course duration: 18 months
The next course starts: 24 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc degree from unviversity recognized in earth science, environmental science, engineering, planning, or other relevant discipline.
Professional requirements: Work experience is recommended but not mandatory. namely the environment, planning or mapping organizations, NGOs, DRM, consulting firms, universities.
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

Geo-Information Science & Earth Observation for Applied Earth Sciences, with specialization in Earth Resources Exploration (ITC) (MSC)

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 18 months
The next course starts: 17 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc degree from a recognized university in earth science, geology or other related discipline (with a college degree algerba, chemistry and physics).
Professional Requirements: Several years experience working in the Earth Resources is recommended but not mandatory.
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

Geo-Information Science & Earth Observation Applied Earth Sciences, with specialization in Environmental Engineering & Earth Sciences (ITC) (MSC)

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 18 months
The next course starts: 17 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc degree from a recognized university in Earth Science, environmental science, engineering geology, or other relevant discipline.
Professional Requirements: Relevant work experience (industry, government, universities, NGOs) is recommended but not mandatory.
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

Geo-Information Science & Earth Observation Applied Earth Sciences, with specialization in Natural Disasters & Disaster Risk Management (ITC) (MSc)

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 18 months
The next course starts: 17 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc degree from a recognized university in earth science, environmental science, engineering, planning or other relevant discipline.
Professional requirements: Work experience is recommended but not mandatory, that the environmental, planning or mapping organizations, NGOs, DRM, consulting firms, universities.
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

Geo-Information Science & Earth Observation for Environmental Modelling and Management (ITC) (MSc)

Takes (partly) place in: Sweden
Cause: MSc
Course duration: 22 months
The next course starts: 17 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Educational requirements: First class or Upper Second (2.1) honors, BSc degree or equivalent from a recognized university in a discipline related to the course.
Professional Requirements: Should be combined with work experience in relevant field (not mandatory).
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

Geo-Information Science & Earth Observation for Geoinformatics (ITC) (Ma)

Cause: a Master's degree
Course duration: 1 year
The next course starts: 17 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc degree from a recognized university in areas related to Geoinformatics.
Professional Requirements: Preferably work experience in fields related to Geoinformatics.
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

Geo-Information Science & Earth Observation for Geoinformatics (ITC) (MSc)

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 18 months
The next course starts: 17 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc degree from a recognized university in a relevant field of study.
Professional Requirements: Preferably work experience in fields related to Geoinformatics.
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

Geo-Information Science & Earth Observation for Governance and Spatial Information Management (ITC) (MSC)

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 18 months
The next course starts: 17 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc in social sciences, economics, geography, political science, planning, Natural Resource Management or equivalent.
Professional Requirements: Several years of experience in public or private sector or academia are encouraged.
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

Geo-Information Science & Earth Observation Land Administration (ITC) (MSc)

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 18 months
The next course starts: 17 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc in land related subjects.
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

Geo-Information Science & Earth Observation for Land Administration, with Chang'an University, China (ITC) (MSc)

Takes (partly) place in: China
Cause: MSc
Course duration: 18 months
The next course starts: 17 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Education Requirements: BSc or equivalent in related disciplines.
Professional requirements: Work experience in a related field is recommended.
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

Geo-Information Science & Earth Observation for Natural Resources Management (ITC) (MSC)

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 18 months
The next course starts: 17 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc degree from a recognized university, in a discipline relevant to the program.
Professional Requirements: Several years of work experience in a relevant field is recommended.
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

Geo-Information Science & Earth Observation for Urban Planning and Management (ITC) (MSc)

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 18 months
The next course starts: 17 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc degree from a recognized university in a discipline relevant to the program.
Professional Requirements: Several years of professional experience in the field of Urban Planning and Management is recommended.
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

Geo-Information Science & Earth Observation for Water Resources & Environmental Management (ITC) (MSc)

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 18 months
The next course starts: 17 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc degree from a recognized university in a relevant discipline with a program and / or specialization chosen.
Professional Requirements: Several years of work experience in a relevant field is recommended.
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

Geo-Information Science & Earth Observation in two topics, with UMSS, Cochabamba, Bolivia (ITC) (MA)

Takes (partly) place in: Bolivia
Cause: a Master's degree
Course duration: 10 months
The next course begins: February 4, 2013
Academic application deadlines: 24 April 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: May 1, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc degree in Earth Sciences, Natural Sciences, Water Resources, Hydrology or a related subject.
Professional requirements: At least 2 years professional experience.
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

GIS and Natural Resource Management, with KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana (ITC) (MSc)

Takes (partly) place in: Kumasi, Ghana
Cause: MSc
Course duration: 18 months
The next course begins: August 20, 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc degree from a recognized university in a discipline relevant to the program.
Professional Requirements: Several years of work experience in a relevant field is recommended.
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

Natural hazards and disaster risk management, with the Indian Institute for Remote Sensing (IIRS), Dehradun, India (ITC) (MSc)

Takes (partly) place in: India
Cause: MSc
Course duration: 18 months
The next course starts: 24 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc degree from a recognized university in earth science, environmental science, engineering, planning, or other relevant discipline.
Professional requirements: Work experience is recommended but not mandatory, that the environmental, planning or mapping organizations, NGOs, DRM, consulting firms, universities.
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

VU University Amsterdam
De Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 - (0) 20-5987301 Fax: 31 - (0) 20-6462457
E-mail: Internet international@falw.vu.nl: www.falw.vu.nl / english

MSc Ecology

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 24 Months
The next course starts: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Education requirements: Bachelor's degree in Biology
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

MSc Environmental and Resource Management

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 12 Months
The next course starts: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Educational requirements: A degree in Economics, Social Sciences (Political Science and Policy in particular), the Natural Sciences, Engineering, Environmental Science and Environmental Science, Environmental Law
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

Wageningen University
P.O. Box 9101, 6700 HB Wageningen, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 - (0) 317-484848 Fax: 31 - (0) 317-484884
E-mail: Internet study@wur.nl: www.wageningenuniversity.nl / msc

Climate Study

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
The next course starts: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Education Requirements: BSc / BA in earth or environmental science, ecology, human geography and spatial planning, economics or a related field.
Other requirements: Point average grade of at least 70%, good skills in mathematics and / or statistics; basic computer skills.
Sex: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available

Environmental Sciences

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
The next course starts: 1 September 2012; February 1, 2013
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012; 24 April 2012
Fellowship application deadline: February 7, 2012; May 1, 2012
Education Requirements: Bachelor's degree in earth sciences, agricultural sciences, geography or related field.
Other requirements: Point average grade of at least 70%, good skills in mathematics and / or statistics; basic computer skills. English test
Sex: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available

International Land and Water Management

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
The next course starts: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Education Requirements: Bachelor's degree in environmental science, soil and water management, rural development, hydrology, agricultural engineering or a related field.
Other requirements: Point average grade of at least 70%, good skills in mathematics and / or statistics; basic computer skills.
Gender category: 2. Contains compulsory modules that relate to gender

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