Mar 21, 2012

Chancellors International Scholarship, University of Sussex, UK

Scholarships are available at most schools Sussex, and awarded based on academic achievement and potential. These scholarships are offered for the duration of a degree program, according to satisfactory progress.

Types of awards: Undergraduate, Postgraduate taught

To be considered for a Chancellor's International Scholarship you must meet all the following criteria:

Have applied for and received a place to start a Bachelor's degree at the University of Sussex (eg, BA, BSc, BEng, LLB, MEng, etc.), or taught Postgraduate degree (eg MA, MSc, LLM, MRes, Postgraduate Diploma and Graduate Diploma) does not include the following degrees:
Program at the Institute of Development Studies, other than MA Gender and Development
MSc in Social Research Methods joint DPhil + (1 3 degrees)
BMBS Bachelor of Medicine at Brighton and Sussex Medical School
International foundation year, Diploma in One Year International Business and Management, and pre-master
Pre-Master's Degree and Diploma in teaching in colleges are validated by Sussex partners.
Note: Applicants for research degrees (eg MPhil, DPhil / PhD, EDD), the current Sussex students (except those applying to start a master's degree), are not eligible to apply.
Applications for places on our degree programs must be made through UCAS for degree studies, and in the site or the Sussex Postgraduate Application form for Graduate studies.
Assessed as liable to pay the cost of the "foreign" (ie non-EU) level.
Have sufficient funds to meet tuition fees and living costs, after accounting for possible award of a Chancellor's International Scholarships.

Closing date and time for applications to be received is May 1 23:59:00 BST before the academic year begins in October. Applications received after May 1 can not be considered.

When finished, you must return the form via email, mail or fax to:

Student Funding Team
Student Life Centre
University of Sussex
Chichester 1, Ci003
East Sussex

By May 1: Deadline for all applications will be accepted
By June 8: Notification for first choice and selected candidates
After June 22: Notification to successful candidates elected if first choice does not take the scholarship

Successful applicants
Students receive a Chancellor's International Scholarships may be required to perform the task of promotion or occasional support to the University of Sussex at the time agreed upon between the student and the University

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there scholarships available for study at another university?
No, Chancellor's International Scholarships can only be held at the University of Sussex.

I am a student of the European Union - Am I eligible to apply?
Scholarships are available for students to pay higher "foreign" fee level. In most cases EU students will not be eligible unless you specifically classified as liable to pay overseas rates.

If I was a student at Sussex, I can register?
You must register for a new degree at Sussex, so you will be eligible if you completed the International Foundation Year and apply for a Bachelor's degree, or apply for a Postgraduate Diploma and Postgraduate taught degree.

How can I tell if I have classified as "overseas" student who pays?
Information is provided when Sussex make you an offer undergraduate places in the program. If you are unsure about the status of your expenses, you should contact the Office of Graduate Degree or appropriate.

If I was offered a scholarship but defer my place in Sussex, the scholarship will be brought to next year?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to get carried away a scholarship for another year. You will need to apply for the new year in which you want to include Sussex.

If i had funding from other sources I can also apply for scholarships?
Yes - scholarships available for students who are funded and self-financing.

Are there scholarships available for study in research (MPhil, DPhil) degree?
No - the Chancellor's International Scholarships are available to study at Undergraduate and Postgraduate taught. Note that the MSc in Social Research Methods and DPhil combined (1 + 3 degrees) are also not eligible.

On what basis are scholarships will be awarded?
This scholarship is awarded based on academic ability and potential. These factors will be assessed by the selection panel in Sussex using the information provided on the Scholarship Application Form. The voters will give special attention to the information provided in the personal statement of the form. This scholarship is awarded on the basis of financial need.

Student Funding Team
Student Life Centre
University of Sussex
Chichester 1, Ci003
East Sussex

For more information, please visit the official website:

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