Mar 21, 2012

Total Indonesie E&P – Ancora Foundation Graduate Fellowship, Sciences Po, France

Total E & P Indonesie - Ancora Foundation Graduate Fellowship at Sciences Po Paris
One scholarship is offered every two years for a Master of Public Affairs at Sciences Po Paris.

Two-year MPA program at Sciences Po offers a global perspective to the training of public policy based on sound analysis capabilities. Students gain an interdisciplinary background is applied, action-oriented social sciences, as well as leadership training, strategy and ethics. MPA at Sciences Po program was created in partnership with the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and International and Foreign School Society (SIPA) at Columbia University in New York. The MPA at Sciences Po students seeking to understand the new policy environment and develop and train students to act effectively in it by instilling a sense of critical and comparative vision of policy options and consequences, by teaching them to solve problems using sophisticated analytical tools, to encourage them to think in dynamic, relative, and systematic multi-level, to promote a new vision of the policy and changes in the global environment.

Graduates of the MPA is a worldwide network of policy makers and policy analysts in the various professions exercising at a high level of responsibility in both the public and private sectors. Alumni network can be found in places like the United Nations, Peace and Human Security Centre at the Ceri, Multilateral Institutions, Central Bank and others.

Graduates of the MPA is a worldwide network of policy makers and policy analysts in the various professions exercising at a high level of responsibility in both the public and private sectors. Alumni network can be found in places like the United Nations, Peace and Human Security Centre at the Ceri, Multilateral Institutions, Central Bank and others.

Selection Criteria
Applicants must have (a) acceptance was confirmed in MPA program at Sciences-Po and holds no other award (s) (b) an excellent academic record, drive, self-management, strength of character, integrity, (c) very good command of language England, (d) a minimum 2-year experience of professionals in any sector (e) are motivated to make a career that will bring them a position of leadership in Indonesia in government, business and civil society after completing their MPA program, and (f) meet the academic requirements for their study program.

The application deadline for 2012-13 is April 30, 2012. This is a rolling admission period. Receipts will continue only until the full and may close prior to 30 April. Further details of the program and application process can be found in the following websites

Terms and Conditions
Each fellowship is maintained for two years full-time students only for programs in Public Affairs. The successful candidate is expected to complete his / her research in a sustained period.

Each scholarship will cover the following:

Other compulsory tuition fees (as specified Sciences Po);
Monthly salary, and
Return airfare (economy class)

For more information, please visit the official website:

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