Mar 19, 2012

Dental Development Undergraduate Scholarship, University of Kent, UK

Division of Dentistry at the Center for Professional Practice at the University of Kent will offer scholarships to a number of applicants.

Scholarship of £ 250, £ 500, £ 750 and £ 1,000 will be available. The maximum amount available to any scholar would be £ 1,000 per academic stage.

University of Kent Dentistry Development Scholarship

This scholarship competition is open to all UK, European Union Foreign and full-time students.

This scholarship fund is designed to support widening access and participation in higher education by dental professionals and will provide partial scholarships for incoming students and is currently in Dental Care program at the University of Kent.

Scholarship of £ 250, £ 500, £ 750 and £ 1,000 per year will be available. The maximum amount available to any scholar would be £ 1,000 per academic stage.

Scholarships can be awarded for phase one, two or three, and each applicant is given a scholarship to stage one or two will be able to reapply for successful academic stage at the end of June each year. Scholarships will also be subject to satisfactory academic progress


Applicants must meet the normal entry requirements for courses
Applicants must hold an offer of a place or a student in good standing to his full-time or flexible at the University of Kent for the next school year or currently in the program Dental Care
Applicants will be judged on the strength of academic background and proper settlement of the award application form
Priority will be given to applicants in the following order: -
qualified dental nurses
other dental care professionals

Want to join
Make application for the scholarship Ref: DDS

If you have a problem with your application please email:

Please note that interviews for the scholarship will take place on the same day with an academic interview.

The deadline for receipt of applications is the day Friday, July 20, 2012.

You can hold University fellowships and scholarships at the same time.

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