The Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP) for Short Courses
Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP) for short courses can be used for a number of programs selected and offered by the institution in the Netherlands. The institutions providing professional training in postsecondary level in several fields of study. Courses lead to a certificate or degree and duration of the Netherlands varies from two weeks up to twelve months.
Candidates applying for NFP scholarship for short course must:
a mid-career professionals with relevant work experience at least three years;
become citizens of the country and work and live in a country growing list of NFP countries occur at the time of application;
nominated by their employers, who promised to continue paying their salaries and guarantee that they will be able to return to the same or equivalent position at the end of the scholarship period;
have been unconditionally admitted by the board of the Netherlands for a short course at one of the courses list 2012-2013. This means that candidates must meet all the requirements set by the board of the Netherlands;
not have received more than one scholarship NFP short courses;
not have received a scholarship NFP short courses in the previous year to the federal application;
not an employee:
multinational enterprises (for example Shell, Unilever, etc.) or
large national and / or commercial organizations or
bilateral donor organizations (eg, for USAID, DFID, Danida, Sida, FinAid, AusAID, ADC, SwissAid etc.) or
multilateral donor organizations, (such as UN organizations, World Bank, IMF, Asian Development Bank, African Development Bank, IADB, etc.) or
International NGOs (eg Oxfam, Plan, Treatment, etc.)
has been completed and submitted the application of federal NFP short courses including all required documents before the deadline for NFP scholarship applications as possible;
employed in the district where the research will contribute relevant;
have a clear, functional relationships with associated organizations and be in a position to introduce the newly acquired skills and knowledge to the organization;
available for the entire period of the course and be physically and mentally to take part in the whole program;
supports the aims and purposes of NFP. NFP purpose is not achieved if the federation did not return to their own country. Nuffic would like to encourage recipients to return to their home country after completing a course or program to fulfill the purpose of NFP in the most effective.
Fellowship application procedure
As stated above, to meet the requirements for federal NFP, candidates must be received in the course they want the federal short-NFP.
Please note that scholarship application procedure has two important types of deadlines:
registration deadline for academic
federal deadline for applications.
Get academic recognition for short courses
The first candidates apply for direct entry into the Dutch institutions that offer short courses of their choice.
Dutch institutions will evaluate the application and decide whether or not to admit candidates for short trips. Candidates will receive a letter from the board are informed if they have received. Nuffic has no part in the process of academic acceptance. Candidates applying for the scholarship NFP should have been treated at the university without conditions in the Netherlands for the course or program for which the candidate applies for federal NSP. This means that the participant has met all academic and administrative requirements set by the Dutch institution.
Candidate is recommended to apply as early as possible to enter the Dutch institutions to enable these institutions enough time to process all applications for entry in time.
Academic entry deadline
This shows the latest date that Dutch institutions will accept applications from candidates who would like to apply for scholarships for NFP.
Registration deadline to enter the academic short courses vary according to time and can change throughout the year. For this reason, candidates are advised to contact the Dutch institution directly for up-to-date information. Sometimes, the deadline for Dutch institutions in applying for entry to courses longer than the NFP deadline for scholarship applications. However, to meet the requirements for federal NFP, candidates must be received in the short courses they wish to receive a scholarship at the time of NFP NFP federal application deadline.
Applying for a scholarship that NFP
Can only register candidates for scholarships for short courses one scholarship registration deadline. Be admitted more than one course, with the deadline for the scholarship the same meaning that candidates must choise one of the programs before applying for a scholarship. If a candidate raise more than one application per deadline for scholarships for courses in the registration deadline for final applications received will be considered as valid.
Scholarship applications should be submitted through Online (SOL). Through SOL candidates can apply for scholarships online and they can check the status of the application. Other parties as the board of Dutch embassies and consulates will use SOL to add information about an NFP scholarship application. Embassies and consulates will also use SOL to evaluate the federal NFP application.
SOL can be accessed through / NFP. This page also contains further instructions about registering online.
NFP short of what the federal application program consists of?
federal NFP completed online application delivered through SOL6;
employer's statement of nomination of candidates for scholarships NFP;
copy of the official identity documents to take place;
Government authorization statement (if applicable7);
motivation on why you want to pursue this course;
motivation on the relevance for your organization (and how your organization will benefit from the course you want to participate?);
motivation on the relevance for your country (and how your country benefit from the course you want to participate?);
plan of action (how you put your new skills and knowledge to work when you return to your organization use?).
For more information and format of the documents requested visit / NFP.
Fellowship application deadlines
Three deadlines have been introduced to apply for scholarships for short courses. Scholarships for short courses application must be submitted before the registration deadline for the following scholarships.
Fellowship application deadline February 7, 2012, May 1, 2012 and October 2, 2012
Fellowship applications received after the deadline for the scholarship are not considered.
What happens after an application filed?
Board of the Netherlands that offer courses online will show in scholarships if candidates have been received. Each application will be assessed against the eligibility criteria listed above and, if concluded, on specific priority country.
The selection procedure
Both institutions and the embassy or consulate of the Netherlands will evaluate federal application. Dutch institutions will focus on academic quality, while embassies and consulates will see the relevance of the application for expansion by the leader of an organization or country. If this occurs, the application must comply with country-specific priorities. This assessment will result in selection.
Finally, Nuffic awards the grant covers the cost of the required recipients, including tuition fees, to the board of the Netherlands. Dutch institutions make logistic arrangements and pay all the monthly federal subsidy for the duration of his master's degree program. They also organize and provide guidance to scholarship recipients.
Selection procedures have a very stringent. Between 10 to 16 weeks after the federal deadline for candidate applications must respond to requests for availability. Showing availability means that if the selected candidate is still available for NFP scholarship. Participants must respond within 7 days after the request has been sent.
Mar 24, 2012
7:37 AM
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