Apr 12, 2012

PhD Fellowship for Women Scientists at Delft University of Technology

Delft University of Technology aims to have an increasing number of female scientists. To help expedite this, Delft Technology Fellowship offers a high profile, time-track position for the women scientists in the field of research in which the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) enabled.

Unique Fellowship for Best Female Scientist

Maximum work: 38 hours (1 FTE)
Length of contract: 5 years beginning with the prospect of permanent employment
Salary scale: € 3195 to € 8622

Job description
Fellowship of Technology Delft offers a high profile, time-track position for the women scientists in the field of research in which the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) enabled. As a someone you will be offered a unique opportunity to develop its own research program, international reputation, including generous start-up funding. Five-year scholarships are awarded on the floor, Assistant Associate or Full Professor.

Delft University of Technology works to provide ground-breaking new insights and solutions to pressing social problems around the world. Thanks to the scientists, top and unique, large-scale technology research facilities, the university offers a world-level multidisciplinary research and education.

You're a very talented pioneers and are motivated to hold a PhD degree in a relevant discipline, with the necessary ambition to become a full professor. You have a drive that has been proven to show academic excellence, for example, by publishing on the first floor, international scientific journal, the ability to compete for external research funds and a wide international network. You have several years post-doctoral experience in a group of academic research in industry or, preferably including experience outside the Netherlands.

Depends on your experience level is good, or have the potential to develop into a clear, academic leaders to guide and inspire the group. You have good communication and social skills, leadership style and experience of guiding research project monitoring. Your self-critical and able to coordinate your personal ambitions to become a member of inspiration from a first-class team colleagues.

You have experience and interest in education to teach, because you are expected to participate in and contribute to the expansion of the department `s teaching program. We also we see the performance criteria for academic staff at TU Delft.
The scholarships are open for scientists are not currently used by the TU Delft.

Conditions of employment
You will have the opportunity to take part in the time-track development program of interest. An informal mentoring scheme will be available to help you identify the university and the Netherlands (research) environments. You will also be able to participate in university-wide identity program.

Depends on your experience level, as well as for academic positions, you'll be offered a position at the assistant, or full professor level. After a positive evaluation at the end (maximum) 5 years, you will be given ownership. Since that time, you will follow the normal career path for scientists at Delft University of Technology.

Assistant Professor salary is based on a scale of 11 or 12 (maximal € 4970 gross per month) with a federal grant of € 100,000 from. Salary of Associate Professor is based on a scale of 13 or 14 (maximal € 5920 gross per month) with the initial grant of € 200,000 federal. Full professor salary is € 7.142 (on a scale H2) up to € 8.622 (on a scale of H1) with a federal grant of € 300,000 from.

TU Delft offers an attractive benefits package, including a flexible work week, free high speed Internet access from home, and the option to assemble customized compensation and benefits package (the 'IKA'). Salaries and benefits in accordance with the Collective Labor Agreement for Higher Education of the Netherlands.

TU Delft is to complete the career advisory services for your spouse (if any) to help him / her find a suitable position in the Netherlands. Set specific standards for English language competency of teaching staff. If necessary, we will offer training to improve your proficiency in English.

Information and applications
For more information about the selection procedure, you can contact Ms Mirjam Kleijweg in Fellowship@tudelft.nl or visit www.jobsindelft.com / federal
If you wish to apply for a scholarship, you are requested to submit your application before January 15, 2012, include the following:

Cover letter including your motivation, department of interest and the desired position (level of Assistant Professor, Associate or Full)
CV including a statement of education, research and leadership as well as the list of publications and performance details
Contact information from the four reference: e-mail and telephone
Research proposal to the federal (4-5 pages, the format is not specified)

Please e-mail to Ms Mirjam Kleijweg application materials, Fellowship@tudelft.nl

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