Dec 5, 2012

ASEAN University Network / Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (AUN/SEED-Net) Implementation Guidelines and Application Forms for Master’s Degree Program For the Japanese Fiscal Year 2013 Project Background The concept of the SEED-Net evolved at the ASEAN-Japan Summit Meeting held in December 1997 and the central issue became how to upgrade higher engineering education by way of creating engineering institutions’ networks ASEAN-wide. As a result of a series of discussions and preparations between ASEAN Member Countries and Japan, the ASEAN University Network/Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (AUN/SEED-Net) was established in 2001 as a sub-network of ASEAN University Network (AUN). After two years of preparation, full-scale operation started in March 2003 for five years as the Phase 1 cooperation, which was then followed by another five year project as the Phase 2 cooperation, supported by Japanese Government through Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). In the last decade the AUN/SEED-Net has supported young academic staff of Member Institutions to acquire higher degrees (master’s degree and/or Ph.D.) by providing them opportunities to study at leading Member Institutions in the region or at supporting universities in Japan. As a result, around 900 academic staff have already obtained opportunities to study for higher degrees, with most of these having returned to teach students at universities in their respective countries. At the same time, the project has strengthened the research capacity of academic staff in ASEAN Member Countries by supporting collaborative research, academic staff exchange, academic conference, “ASEAN Engineering Journal” and so on. As a result, around 700 collaborative research projects have been undertaken, and more than 1,000 academic papers have been published. Over 1,300 in total academic staff have also participated in exchange programs between institutions in the network. Through these activities the AUN/SEED-Net has succeeded in strengthening the engineering faculties of each Member Institution. Based on these remarkable achievements, the ASEAN Member Countries, Member Institutions, the Government of Japan and JICA have a strong intention to continue the AUN/SEED-Net aiming to bring about larger impacts not only to other universities in the region and Japan, but also to industry and community by making more direct contribution to the socio-economic development in the region and Japan. After continuous discussion, all parties agreed to implement the Phase 3 Project of AUN/SEEDNet with these following objectives : Contribution to advancement and globalization of regional industry Contribution to solution of regional common issues in Asia Establishment of human resource development platform in science and technology in Asia Program Concept AUN/SEED-Net provides Master’s scholarship Program to highly qualified young faculty staff / prospective young faculty staff of Member Institutions to acquire Master’s degrees in ten engineering fields at Host Institutions. During two years of study at Host Institution, students will be jointly supervised by advisor at Host Institution and Japanese co-advisor from Japanese Supporting Universities to conduct the highquality thesis research under the supporting program called Collaborative Research Program. AUN/SEED-Net promotes collaboration between its members and industry, and it is essential for the prospective young faculty staff to study the concept of Management of Technology (MOT), mainly in Intellectual Property (IP) and Marketing and Innovation. The opportunity to join MOT course will be offered. AUN/SEED-Net provides supporting programs to our alumni to continuously improve their research and educational capacity such as the support of research conducted with Japanese professors, participation to conferences, as well as publication in international journals. Our alumni, who are fostered to be the leading human resources in engineering in each ASEAN country, are expected to the link between academicians in ASEAN and Japan and further strengthen the AUN/SEED-Net Network. Objectives To increase the number of high quality Master’s degree holders in engineering at Member Institutions which would be necessary to contribute to sustainable development of ASEAN countries. To strengthen Master’s degree programs at the Host Institutions so that the production of high quality Master’s degree holders in engineering needed for the region is materialized within the region in collaboration with the Member Institutions and Japanese Supporting Universities. To strengthen human networking among teaching staff of Member Institutions and Japanese Supporting Universities. Applicant Eligibility Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree in an appropriate discipline of engineering, or to be awarded the bachelor’s degree before starting the Master’s degree program. Applicants should be ranked within top 10% of the class, or have the grade point average of 3.0 or higher from the grade point system of 4.0 in their undergraduate study. Applicants must be young faculty staff of Member Institutions, or graduating students, or young graduates of Member Institutions who are strongly motivated to pursue a professional career as faculty staff at Member Institutions. Applicants should be not over the age of 30 at the time of application and capable of carrying out independent research. Applicants who have already received another equivalent major award, scholarship or a salary to undertake a proposed course are not eligible for scholarships. Selection of Host Institution(s) Applicants must choose to apply to the Host Institution(s) that offer(s) their proposed field of study. Each Host Institution has drawn up sub-topics. It is advised that all applicants should be well aware of research areas that each Host Institution can offer to AUN/SEED-Net students before selecting Host Institution(s), by carefully studying the sub-topics and choose their tentative thesis research topics accordingly. Applicants are eligible to apply to the maximum of two fields and/ or two Host Institutions. Applicants can apply to Host institution in own country if they meet all requirements below: The Host Institution and the Sending Institution is the same university. They graduated the previous degree from this Host Institution. The course they apply for uses English language as medium of instruction. Applicants should be aware that some Host Institutions strictly require their applicants to obtain a TOEFL and/or GRE score as an admission requirement. Target Number of Scholarships Around 60 scholarships for the Japanese Fiscal Year 2013 will be supported. The scholarships, in principle, should be distributed across fields. Coverage of Scholarships The scholarships cover tuition fees, living expenses*, health insurance, visa fee and airport tax, and a round-trip air ticket, in accordance with AUN/SEED-Net regulations. There may be partial support(s) from concerned Host and Sending Institution. * Living expenses for the successful applicant who studies in own country may be adjusted. Management of Technology (MOT) Successful applicants are encouraged to join an intensive MOT course in Japan offered by AUN/SEEDNet Program or the accepting university. (The guidelines and application form of the MOT program will be announced later.) Commencement and Duration of Scholarships The commencement of scholarship should be within the Japanese Fiscal Year 2013; that is, awarded students should commence their study within April 2013 – March 2014. The duration of the scholarship is strictly two years, counting from the day of arrival at a Host Institution. Students who need more than two years to acquire a degree will be expected to self-finance during period of extension. Note: The AUN/SEED-Net Project, in consultation with the Host Institution, will terminate the award of any student who fails to maintain satisfactory progress at the Host Institution. Application Procedure Applicants submit one (1) set of AUN/SEED-Net’s Application Form (for scholarship) and two (2) sets of Host Institution’s Application Form (for university admission), along with other required documents to the contact person at Sending Institution to which the applicants belong for endorsement from the Dean or designated person before sending the application to AUN/SEED-Net Program. AUN/SEED-Net’s application form and Host Institution application form are available at * Please note that sending application directly to AUN/SEED-Net without an endorsement letter will not be accepted. ** In case of applicants studying overseas, Application Forms as well as other required documents can be submitted directly to AUN/SEED-Net. The applicant may send the request the contact person of their respective Sending Institution to submit an endorsement letter to AUN/SEED-Net. The announcement of the award of scholarship is done through the Sending Institution of the applicant. Submission Deadline of the Application Form Applications for the Master’s Degree Program should be submitted, in printed forms, to AUN/SEED-Net by January 31, 2013. Application to be submitted to: AUN/SEED-Net (Master’s Degree Program) Faculty of Engineering Building 2, Room 109-110 Chulalongkorn University Bangkok 10330, THAILAND For more information, please visit official website:

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