Dec 5, 2012

Home Home > Master Scholarship > MERIT, European Master of Science Scholarships 2013/2014 MERIT, European Master of Science Scholarships 2013/2014 MERIT, European Master of Science in Research on Information and Communication Scholarships 2013/2014 This master is Full Timetaught in English Courses Description You can find the detailed description of the courses by clicking on “Learn More”. Every partner University has specific courses. Learn More Programme Description The Master’s Course covers Information and Communication Technologies in a broad sense, including fundamentals such as electromagnetism, signal processing, and information theory, and applications such as communications, remote sensing and image and voice processing. Half of the course credits are obtained in a second institution of the consortium and a double degree is awarded upon successful completion of the program. The language of instruction is English and the program includes local language courses up to 6 ECTS per academic year. Admission is restricted to 50 students. This Erasmus Mundus Master’s Course has three 15-week semesters in which students take courses. An additional fourth semester is devoted to the completion of the Master’s Thesis. The program is research oriented, as thus concentrates on the development of research skills. Graduates of the Course may want to pursue careers in a research institution by completing a Ph.D., joining industrial R+D departments or perhaps starting a technology spin-off company. Therefore, strong emphasis is placed during the Master’s Course on the student’s personal work programme, which is focused on developing research skills. Admission is subject to the approval of the MERIT Academic Committee. All students should have completed a Bachelor’s degree related to Electrical Engineering or related field. Admission criteria include the applicant’s capacity and motivation, recommendations and language skills. Each admitted student is assigned a specialization track, a compatible mobility plan and an advisor. The student to professor ratio is less than one. The courses offered within MERIT can be classified according to the nature of the knowledge they provide as: * Core Courses: They provide the fundamentals in electromagnetism, signal processing, communications and information theory required within each AoK. * Concentration Courses: They are oriented towards the specialization tracks in speech and image processing, optical communications, wireless communications, digital communications, photonics, remote sensing, microwave circuits and antennas. * Transversal Courses: They aim at: (i) developing skills and competences inherent to research such as scientific communication, bibliographical research, technological assets management, project management and innovation skills; (ii) learning the local language and acquiring a general knowledge of the local culture; (iii) understanding the impact of technology on society and developing individual judgement and ethical responsibility. MERIT allows mastery in three large Areas of Knowledge (AoK), providing up to nine specialization tracks as listed below: Microwave, Antennas, Remote Sensing and Photonics Microwaves and RF Circuits and Systems Antennas and EM modelling Remote Sensing and Imaging 4.Photonics Wireless and Optical Communication Systems and Networks Information Transmission and Wireless Communication Systems Wireless Network Management Optical Communication Systems and Networks Multimedia Signal Processing Image and Video Processing Speech and Language Technologies Learn More Requirements Language Requirements English requirement: A minimum MERIT Score of 3 (see score file). Download Educational Requirements A bachelor degree preferably in electrical or telecommunication engineering or similar Study and academic merits Motivation Student Origin Deadline Scholarships Tuition Fees Inside EEA 11 January 2011 available – Learn more €5.000 Outside EEA 11 January 2011 available – Learn more €10.000 Contacts Contact Person: Lise Vierning MERIT master assistant +34 934154103 European Master of Science in Research on Information and Communication More details:

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