Feb 18, 2013

Independent Artist Scholarships are available to applicants (both US and non-US citizens) enrolling in the Artist Certificate Program who demonstrate outstanding talent. Available to international students and US citizens. Scholarship applicants must have submitted the application for admission prior to the scholarship due date and must be entering the program for the first time. May be applied toward the independent artist program (IAP) only. The total scholarship amount will be divided by the total number of quarters in the particular program and credited toward each quarter’s tuition in equal amounts for as long as the student maintains a 3.5 gpa. Scholarships are non-transferable, and may not be applied to any person, program, or start date other than the one for which it was originally awarded. Award recipients will be notified within two weeks of the application deadline (see below for application deadlines). Requirements & Checklist: Audio recording containing the 2-3 songs that you submitted with your original application to the program plus at least two and up to five more (formats accepted: audio cd, aif, wav, mp3, aac). Detailed credit list for any songs performed or submitted with this application. Include information listing who performed each instrument, who engineered and who produced. If you are the author of any lyrics performed or submitted with this application, include a lyric sheet for each song. A 1-2 page essay describing your short and long-term career objectives. Include specific information about how you plan to meet your objectives. In addition, submit ONE of the following three items: A video recording containing a minimum of 2 original songs in a solo performance or in a band/ensemble setting (formats accepted: dvd, quicktime/.mov, mpeg, vhs). Complete multitrack audio files of 2 original recordings. These may be the same songs submitted for the audio recording requirement above (formats accepted: apple logic, pro tools, steinbergcubase, ableton live, bounced individual audio files). A video recording of less than 15 minutes documenting your writing / creative process. Application deadline: For Programs Beginning: Spring 2013 Deadline is: March 1, 2013 Please return the above items to: Musicians Institute Scholarship Department 6752 Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood, CA 90028

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