Feb 19, 2013

The University of Adelaide has 7 Endeavour Student Exchange Awards, each worth A$ 5,000 for UGM students to spend a semester as an exchange student at the University of Adelaide transferable to your UGM degree. This program is eligible for all undergraduate students in the following areas: Engineering, Computer, and Mathematical Sciences: computer science, engineering, mathematics Health Sciences: dentistry, medicine, nursing, psychology Humanities and Social Sciences: history, politics, music, social sciences Professions: architecture, business, economics, education, law Sciences: agriculture, chemistry, earth, and environmental sciences, molecular science, physics, veterinary science The areas in which you can study can be found here. Information on individual courses (subjects), syllabus information and class details also can be found in the Course Planner. The scholarship will meet nearly all your cost for one semester, but you will need to find at least Rp. 6.000.000 or preferable Rp 10.000.000 to 20.000.000 for visa administration fee, medical test for visa, health insurance for 1 semester, return airfare, and living costs for 5 months @ A$270/week. The program will start according to University of Adelaide’s semester schedule: semester 1 from late February until late June, and semester 2 from late July until mid-November. To qualify for the student exchange and the scholarship, you must: have completed one year of studes at UGM before you commence the exchange have a Grade Point Average of at least 3 out of 4 have a TOEFL paper-based test total score of 550, with a minimum of 4.0 in Test of Written English (TWE), or a TOEFL internet-based test total score of 80, with a minimum of 20 in Writing and Speaking and 18 in Reading and Listening, or an IELTS overall band score of at least 6.0, with a minimum band score of 6.0 in Writing and Speaking and 5.5 in Reading and Listening, or a Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic overall score of 58, with a minimum of 58 in Writing and Speaking and 50 in Reading and Listening. The TOEFL ITP is NOT accepted. Please submit the following documents to OIA UGM: Latest transcript in English (minimum GPA 3.00) Copy of your English proficiency test Copy of your CV Recommendation letter from your faculty 200 words essay of “Why do you deserve to be chosen in University of Adelaide Student Exchange Program” Copy of your passport no later than October 15, 2012; for the semester 1 study; and 15 March 2013 for the semester 2 study. Nominated students will be notified soon after the deadline. Office of International Affairs Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia Universitas Gadjah Mada Phone : (62-274) 563974 Fax : (62-274) 552810 E-mail : oia@ugm.ac.id

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