Mar 27, 2013

The David Geffen Foundation Scholarship, sponsored by The David Geffen Foundation, is awarded to students currently enrolled full time in the Certificate in Music Business program, in a Music Business emphasis within an AA Degree, or the Music Industry Studies minor within the BM Degree. Eligibility To be considered for a David Geffen Foundation Scholarship, you must meet the following criteria: Be currently enrolled full time in the Certificate in Music Business program, in a Music Business emphasis within an AA Degree, or the Music Industry Studies minor within the BM Degree. Complete a David Geffen Foundation Scholarship application (see application download instructions below). Eligibility is determined by a combination of demonstrated financial need, academic standing (minimum GPA of 3.0) and the quality and content of the scholarship essay (described below). Submit a 250-word essay explaining why you should be considered for the David Geffen Foundation Scholarship. Include your goals, financial situation (including the amount of tuition credit requested), and any other factors you consider relevant. Award Tuition credit based on student need and available funds. Application deadline Applications are accepted at any time during a student’s full time enrollment. There is no deadline for application. Musicians Institute Scholarship Department 6752 Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood, CA 90028

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