Sep 22, 2011

  • 9:14 AM
  • admin
The Leadership Academy is a unique training and development program for print and Web journalists who are, or aspire to become, newsroom managers. Beginning or mid-career managers will be guided through the issues and challenges of newsroom leadership and will gain skills necessary to lead in a rapidly-changing media world.

Journalists selected to attend the Academy will receive all-expense-paid leadership training at The Times during the fall and at Harvard University through the Maynard Institute Media Academy in January and March (each session at Harvard is a week long). The group will come together one last time at the summer NABJ convention to share their experience with interested colleagues.

Applicants should have two to five years experience in one or more management positions.

How to Apply

The Leadership Academy is open to newspaper and Web journalists with strong leadership and managerial potential who want to further develop their skills. Applicants may come from a range of newsroom experience including–but not limited to—department or section heads, deputy or assistant editors, assignment editors, slots, photo editors, photographers, designers, graphics editors and Web editors.
An application must contain ALL of the following:
1. The application form, completed and signed
2. Your resume
3. A letter of recommendation
4. Proof of membership in NABJ
Applications may be obtained and information provided by contacting the coordinator of the Leadership Academy, Juanita Powell-Brunson, at 212 556-3599 or

Applicants must be able to meet the time requirements: two days in November or December in New York; one week at Harvard in January, another week at Harvard in March; and the NABJ convention in August.

Scholarships Deadline

Applications must be postmarked by October 1, 2011

Scholarships details of NABJ/New York Times Leadership Academy Training Program for Beginning or Mid-Career Managers

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