Oct 3, 2011
6:43 AM
Frank Lanza founded L-3 Communications in 1997, a global aerospace and defense company that has grown to $15 billion in annual revenues and employs approximately 66,000 people worldwide. With its corporate headquarters in New York City, L-3 is a leader in C3ISR systems (command, control, communications, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance), aircraft modernization and maintenance, government services and specialized products that serve the military, homeland security, aviation and other commercial markets. L-3 customers include the U.S. Department of Defense, other U.S. government agencies, allied foreign governments and commercial customers.
Under Frank Lanza’s leadership as chairman and CEO, L-3 became the nation’s sixth largest defense contractor – comprised of more than 73 operating units, among them METI. Now independently owned, METI is the world’s leading innovator in medical simulation technology, committed to developing learning tools that impact the education of our future doctors, nurses, first responders and military medics.
Frank Lanza served in the U.S. Coast Guard during the Korean War. He was a member of the board of directors for the Coast Guard Foundation and received the 2003 Distinguished Corporate Leadership award from the Soldiers’, Sailors’, Marines’ and Airmen’s Club. Frank Lanza was also a member of the board of governors for the Aerospace Industries Association and the American Italian Cancer Foundation. A philanthropist, Frank Lanza and his wife supported a variety of charities through a family foundation.
In honor of Frank Lanza’s visionary business leadership and generous commitment to charitable causes, Lou Oberndorf, founder and Chairman of METI and long-time friend and colleague of Frank Lanza, initiated the endowment of the Frank Lanza Memorial Scholarship, which is equally funded by Medical Education Technologies, Inc. (METI), L-3 Communications, the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC), and Phi Theta Kappa Honors Society.
Applicants need not be members of Phi Theta Kappa to apply.
Candidates must have completed by June of 2012 at least 50 percent of course work in an associate degree registered nursing, respiratory care or emergency medical services program at a regionally accredited community college. Students selected as Frank Lanza Scholars will be required to submit verification.
Applicants must provide documentation of enrollment in a minimum of six semester hours for the Fall 2012 semester at a regionally accredited community college in an associate degree registered nursing, respiratory care or emergency medical services program.
Part-time students, full-time students and international students are eligible to apply.
Students with previous associate, bachelor’s or master’s degrees are eligible to apply.
Pre-major students and certificate students are ineligible to apply.
The director of the program in which the applicant is enrolled (registered nursing, respiratory care or emergency medical services) must complete the Institutional Certification and Eligibility Form by the application deadline. Failure to submit this form will result in an incomplete application.
Applicants must submit a copy of their Student Aid Report (SAR) listing their Expected Family Contribution (EFC) for the current academic year (2012-2013 school year).
Applicants must post a minimum of a 3.00 cumulative grade point average out of a possible 4.0 on all course work at the time of application, with no courses marked as incomplete.
The student must hold temporary or permanent residency in the country of the community college the student is attending or possess a visa considered appropriate by the college.
The applicant’s record must be free from suspension, probation or other disciplinary action.
The applicant’s record must be free from any criminal conduct or if the applicant is a convicted felon, he or she must have completed all conditions of sentencing, including probation.
How to Apply
Complete and submit a Spring Common Application online no later than 5:00 pm, CST, April 1, 2012.
Materials may not be submitted by fax or email.
Partial materials, even submitted before the deadline, will be deemed ineligible.
For more information about the Frank Lanza Memorial Scholarship, contact lanza@ptk.org, 601.987.5741.
Scholarships details of Frank Lanza Memorial Scholarship
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