Oct 3, 2011
6:43 AM
The $7,500 scholarship will be disbursed in four equal payments of $1,875 per semester. Students must be enrolled full time at the senior institution. If the student attends an institution that operates on other than a semester basis, the equivalent institutional definitions will prevail.
The first payment of $1,875 will be disbursed once the student provides documentation of full-time enrollment at a regionally accredited senior institution and submits a final copy of official transcripts from the community college.
After the first payment, remaining payments will be disbursed once the student 1) provides documentation of continued full-time enrollment at a regionally accredited senior institution and 2) has successfully maintained a minimum cumulative GPA requirement. Scholars must maintain a 2.75 cumulative grade point average out of a possible 4.0 during the first semester of the first year and a 3.00 cumulative grade point average during each of the following semesters. Any course for which a grade of "Incomplete" that is recorded must be completed before any disbursements can be made. If the student attends an institution that operates on other than a semester basis or other than a 4.0 system, the equivalent institutional definitions will prevail.
Students must post a minimum of a 3.50 cumulative grade point average out of a possible 4.0 on all college-level coursework in the past five years (include all transcripts, Fall 2006-present). GPA is evaluated at the time of application, and no courses can be marked as incomplete. Hites scholarship recipients must maintain a minimum of a 3.0 GPA while attending the senior institution in order to receive remaining disbursements.
Students must have completed a minimum of 50 semester credits (or its equivalent) at the time of transfer to a senior institution. These credits must be college-level credits and cannot include remedial or developmental coursework (courses designed to enable learners to remedy a lack of knowledge or correct a skill deficiency; e.g. MTH 099 – Pre Algebra).
The student must be enrolled at a community college through December 2011.
Students must enroll at a senior institution for the Fall 2012 semester in a minimum of 12 semester credits (full-time status), and in each of the foll
The student’s record must be free from suspension, probation or other disciplinary action.
The student’s record must be free from any criminal conduct, or if a convicted felon, must have completed all conditions of sentencing, including probation.
The student must be a member of Phi Theta Kappa to apply.
How to Apply
Completed applications should be submitted online by 5:00 pm, CST, December 1, 2011. Independent judges will review applications and determine the Hites Transfer Scholarship recipients. Hites Scholars are selected based on outstanding academic achievement, engagement in college and community activities and leadership accomplishments. Award winners will be notified in April 2012.
Scholarships details of Hites Transfer Scholarship
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