Oct 3, 2011


You will be working in a British Academy research project that analyzes interest group lobbying and its impact on policy-making outcomes. Even though lobbying plays a crucial role in everyday politics, we have hardly any knowledge about the influence of interest groups on political decisions. The goal of this research project is to therefore shed light on the role of interest groups in democratic politics. We will develop a large dataset covering all interest groups that lobby the German Bundestag. You will assist in generating this dataset. You are supposed to work on average 10 hours per week, but you can flexibly arrange your time schedule. It is also possible to work from home or from abroad. You will gain valuable research experience in a prestigious British Academy Project, potentially of use in your future research or employment.


You will need to have an academic background in social science research at graduate level. As the project deals with interest groups in Germany, assistants should be native German speakers. Experience with data management would be helpful, but is not a precondition.

Scholarships deadline

Thursday 6th October 2011.

Scholarships details of Research Assistantship in the Department of Politics and International Relations


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