Oct 3, 2011


The William C. Parker Transfer Scholarship is a one year award, contingent upon full-time enrollment on the University of Kentucky Lexington campus and a cumulative UK grade point average of 2.5 or better. Awards will be made based on the applicant’s ranking within the competitive pool.


Applicants must be planning to enroll on the Lexington campus as first-time baccalaureate transfer students in the fall semester of 2012. Applicants must submit a completed scholarship application; a transcript with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 with a minimum of 24 credit hours earned the previous academic year; and a 500-word essay on the topic: How I will contribute to diversity at the University of Kentucky.
Scholarships Deadline

Deadline for transfer students: June 1, 2012.

Scholarships details of William C. Parker Scholarship Application for transfer students 2012-2013

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