Oct 3, 2011
6:42 AM
United Kingdom
The College invites applications for a Leslie Wilson Research Scholarship from well-qualified candidates who will be studying at the University of Cambridge for a PhD Degree. The Scholarship is tenable for up to three years from 1 October 2012 and there is no restriction of the field of study. Candidates must have graduated at a University before 1 October 2012. While consideration will normally be restricted to those who have obtained, or who have a strong prospect of obtaining, a first-class Honours degree (or its equivalent), evidence of subsequent intellectual development will be taken into account.
In determining the value of the Scholarships in individual cases, the College will take into account candidates’ income from all sources. A maximum award of £17,415 per year plus the increase in University and College fees will be made to a Scholar who has no other sources of finance as follows:
Maintenance grant: £11,250 (estimate) (maximum award; see below)
University fees: £3,807
College fees: £2,358 (estimate)
The successful candidate will receive a minimum award of £500 per year regardless of their resources. Candidates will be expected to apply (where eligible) for State or Research Council Studentships. The College take into account grants and awards from other sources in arriving at a suitable maintenance grant.
Rented accommodation in or near College will be made available during the first year of residence to an unmarried Scholar. A married Scholar will be offered rented accommodation near to the College.
Those wishing to be considered for a Leslie Wilson Research Scholarship must also apply to the Board of Graduate Studies, 4 Mill Lane, Cambridge CB2 1RZ, for admission to the University as a Graduate Student using the usual GRADSAF Form which is obtainable (in hard copy or electronically) from the Board. Preference will be given to those nominating Magdalene as their first-choice College.
Candidates liable to pay University fees at the overseas rate will be expected to apply for research awards organised by the Cambridge Trusts and the Board of Graduate Studies.
In addition, all candidates should complete a Leslie Wilson Research Scholarship application form which can be obtained from The Tutor for Graduate Admissions, Magdalene College, Cambridge CB3 0AG or download from www.magd.cam.ac.uk Applications (FIVE COPIES) should be returned to The Graduate Assistant, Tutorial Office, Magdalene College by 2 May 2012. Applications, and supporting references, must be received in hard copy by the closing date.
Scholarships details of Leslie Wilson Research Studentship
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