Oct 11, 2011

Hong Kong: PhD Fellowships, 2012-2013, Aeronautical, Environmental and Product Acoustics, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Prospective candidates who are interested in pursuing a PhD research, with support from Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme 2012/2013, in any of the following broad areas should contact Dr. Randolph C. K. Leung (Associate Professor. Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)).

[1] Aeronautical Flow-Induced Vibration and Aeroacoustics
[2] Combustion Flow and Noise in Aeronautical and Product Applications
[3] Realistic Prediction of Urban Environmental Noise and Soundscape
[4] Psychoacoustic-Oriented Product Noise Development

The Research Grants Council of Hong Kong SAR Government continues (RGC) to allocate 135 PhD research places to the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme in 2012/13. The call for applications begins in early September 2011 in which students interested in conducting PhD research in Hong Kong are recruited on a worldwide basis. The Scheme will support students selected through an open competition, which is widely publicized and attract the media’s attention.

In addition to the monthly stipend of HK$20,000 and travel allowance of HK$10,000 per year for a maximum of three years awarded by the RGC, each awardee of PolyU will also enjoy the waiving of the tuition fees for a maximum of three years.

Prospective candidates who demonstrate outstanding qualities of academic performance, research ability/potential, communication and interpersonal skills, leadership ability and societal responsibility, irrespective of their country of origin and ethnic background, are encouraged to apply. Please take a look at the PolyU’s promotional website at http://www.polyu.edu.hk/ro/hkphd-fellowship/ .

Please take note of the following key dates:
September 2011 ? Call for applications
December 1, 2011 ? Deadline for submitting initial applications to the RGC by the applicants for allocation of a reference number
December 5, 2011 ? Deadline for submission of full applications to PolyUEarly
March 2012 ? Notification of results

Description for the scopes of projects in these areas and further details of the Fellowship Scheme can be obtained by sending email to Dr. Leung via mmrleung[ at ]polyu.edu.hk .

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