Oct 11, 2011

Spain: Postdoctoral Positions in Biomedicice, IDIBAPS
IDIBAPS opens 8 Post-Doctoral Positions in BIOMEDICINE

BIOTRACK is a co-funded project by the Marie Curie Actions of the 7thFramework Program of the European Commission and the IDIBAPS consortium for the Professional Training and Career Development in Biomedicine. With this programme, IDIBAPS creates new positions and helps researchers in their further development and expertise, to keep being part of the most productive Biomedical Research Consortium in Southern Europe.

Please note that applications will only be valid if send through our webpage. For more information or to apply click the following link: http://www.idibaps.org/biotrack/

Qualifications and Requirements
In order to guarantee mobility of researchers among the European Research Area, the call aims to attract experienced researchers that have obtained the PhD degree a maximum of 6 years before the deadline. Researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Spain for more than 12 months in the last 3 years immediately prior to the date of selection by IDIBAPS and should not be currently resident in Spain. In order to guarantee impartiality and fair treatment, people that have been employed on the IDIBAPS campus in the last 5 years will be automatically excluded from the call, and also the applicants that have obtained the PhD degree in the IDIBAPS campus.

The successful candidate is expected to be highly motivated and to have a strong theoretical background within the area of expertise he/she has chosen.

Excellent command of English is required.

In the event that a researcher has taken a break from their research career for family reasons, pregnancy, etc., this time will not be taken into consideration in terms of research experience years. In cases of doubt and to avoid unnecessary effort, you can check eligibility by calling to the following number (+34) 93 312 94 01 or sending and email to eplanes@clinic.ub.es.

Applicants will be evaluated on the following criteria:
1) Education and previous training
2) Relevance for the project
3) Publication and track record
4) Motivation
Documented experience in relevant research areas and extensive experience with in vitro model systems and molecular techniques is important.

The following documents needs to be included:
1) Letter stating your scientific interests
2) CV and list of publication
3) A reference letter
4) Email address for communications and reply

Form of employment:
3 years contract

38.000 € plus housing facilities

Contact persons
Emma Planes
eplanes[ at ]clinic.ub.es
+34 93 312 9401

Please send your application, using IDIBAPS webpage http://www.idibaps.org/biotrack. The application closes on December 31, 2011.

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