Dec 21, 2011

Open postdoctoral Position in Cognitive Neuroscience. Multisensory Research Group at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, Spain Applications are invited for the position of full-time post-doctoral research in multisensory RESEARCH GROUP at Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona). This post is part of the project BRAINGLOT, Research Network Bilingualism and Cognitive Neuroscience (Consolider-Ingenio 2010 Scheme, Spanish Ministry of Science and Education).

This project brings together efforts of several research groups covering different disciplines with a common goal of dealing with the phenomenon of bilingualism open and multidisciplinary perspective. The MRG's effort to understand the use of multisensory cues (audiovisual) speech information in the context of learning and using a second language. This project includes the behavioral, neuroimaging (fMRI, ERP) and, (TMS) neurostimulation approaches.

Description of work
We look for people who lead the electrophysiological aspects of the project (ERP / EEG), including the development of an independent scientific study, and participation (ie, surveillance) in others. Involvement in several aspects of the organization and management are also expected.

Candidate requirements
- Previous experience in ERP / EEG recording and analysis * required *
- PhD
- Motivation of multisensory integration questions and / or speech perception
- Background in cognitive neuroscience, neuroscience, and / or cognitive psychology
- Programming skills

* Applicants from outside the EU are welcome to apply but must meet the requirements for a valid visa.

- Duration: This position will be funded and renewable up to two years
- Start Date: As soon as possible
- Salary: 28000EUR/year
- Travel: This project may require some travel to conferences / meetings

How to apply
Applications should include:
- A C.V. including list of publications
- Names of two referees who would be willing to write letters of recommendation
- A brief cover letter explaining research interests

For informal questions about the position and application, please contact Salvador Soto-Faraco. salvador.soto [at] ( Applications will be accepted until position filled.

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