[USA] Biodesign Innovation Fellowship at Stanford University
Each year, the Biodesign Program has two U.S.-based fellowship teams of four fellows working within a specific clinical area. Focus areas in the past have included Cardiovascular Medicine, Neurosurgery/ Neurology, Electrophysiology, Musculoskeletal, Regenerative Medicine, Anesthesia/Critical Care, Gastroenterology and General Surgery.
Team Based: Multidisciplinary teams of four graduate and/or postgraduate engineers, business professionals, bioscientists and physicians collaborate in a process involving clinical immersion, identification and verification of clinical problems, invention, prototyping, early-stage testing, and project planning.
Problem-Based, Solution-Driven: Teams invent new technologies that address major clinical and surgical needs. In the past ten years Biodesign Innovation teams have filed multiple patents, have introduced new technologies into clinical practice, have started new companies and have won many major technology development awards.
Schedule: All of the fellows complete a 10-month program, stipend supported. Surgeons in their two-year residency research period will complete a second year regardless of first-year team assignment. Other fellows will have the opportunity to do a second year if they are working on a project and are able to secure second year funding.
Faculty & Mentors: In addition to Stanford clinical and engineering faculty, the teams are mentored by over 100 "real world" experts in design, prototyping, regulatory, reimbursement, finance and other aspects of technology implementation.
Desirable fellow characteristics include demonstrated leadership potential, evidence of innovation within medical technology, knowledge of medicine and public health, engineering and business and the ability to work in a team.
Stipend: All fellows are paid a monthly stipend; health benefits are provided.
Candidates & Eligibility: Applicants with a background in engineering, medicine, biosciences or relevant business /technology are encouraged to apply. Masters, Medical or Doctorate degrees preferred. Resident/fellows in surgery who enjoy applying technology to solve unmet clinical needs and who thrive on the process of innovation are encouraged to apply for the Fellowship. Candidates will be judged in terms of potential to become leaders in biomedical technology innovation, including demonstrated potential for creativity, invention and implementation.
Selection: Each academic year we select eight fellows. Individuals with a special interest in medical technology development are welcome to apply. Surgeons in their residency or fellowship training may apply to be on one of the teams; further information is available on the surgical fellows page.
FOR 2012-13 Fellowship: Candidates selected to interview will be notified by November 2, 2011 for interviews to be held November 17, 18. Final selection of fellows will be announced by November 30.
Further Information
* Frequently Asked Questions
* 2011 Application Instructions [pdf] for 2012-13 fellowship
* Application for 2012-13 fellowship DEADLINE: October 12, 2011
Oct 9, 2011
5:06 AM
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