Mar 26, 2012

Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of Business Administration, Department of Economics, Department of Korean Language & Literature, Department of International & Regional Studies, Ministry of International Trade and Logistics, Department of Justice, Department of History, Department of Mass Communication, Department of English Language and Literature, Department of Japanese Language and Literature, Department of Resource Economics , Department of Political Science and Diplomacy, Department of Business and Economics of Marine, Ministry of Public Administration

Natural Sciences
Department of Physics, Department of Microbiology, Fisher Department of Physics, Biology Department of Fisheries, Department of Food and Life Sciences, Department of Aquatic Life Medicine, Department of Fisheries & Marine Human Resource Development, Department of Applied Mathematics, Department of Oceanography, Marine Biology Department, Department of Chemistry, Department of Environmental Atmospheric Sciences, Department of Environmental Geosciences, Department of Statistics

Department of Architecture, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Design Engineering, Department of Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, the Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Science & Engineering Department ImageSystem, Department of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Department of Manufacturing Automation, Department of Ecology, Department of Management and Systems Engineering , Department of Materials Processing Engineering, Department of Food Science and Technology, Department of Safety Engineering, Systems Engineering Department of Energy, Department of Satellite Information Sciences, Department of Graphic Arts, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, Department of Information Engineering, Department of Telecommunications Engineering, Department of Control and Instrumentation Engineering, Department of Control and Mechanical Engineering, Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Systems Division, Clean Chemical Engineering (Major in Chemical Engineering), Division of Chemical Engineering Net (Major Chemical industries), Division of Chemical Engineering Net (Main Polymer Engineering), Department of Computer Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Marine Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, Department of Environmental Exploration

Interdisciplinary Program
Interdisciplinary Program Construction Engineering & Management, Interdisciplinary Program Mechatronics Engineering, Interdisciplinary Program Acoustics and Vibration Engineering, Interdisciplinary Program of Information Security, Interdisciplinary Program of Information Systems, Interdisciplinary Program Ship Management Systems Engineering, Industrial Engineering Ocean Interdisciplinary Program, International Program of Fishery Science, International Engineering Program machines, International Programme on Information Sciences and Technology, International Program of Electrical Engineering and Control

Registration Schedule

Application Deadline: Jan. 30 (Mon) ~ 13 April (Friday), 2012
Announcement of Applicants Admitted: 30 April 2012 (Monday)
Login Date: 27 ~ August 29, 2012 (Mon ~ Fri)
Intensive Language Program in Korea (at Pukyong National University): September 3, 2012 (Thu)

Application Requirements

Holders of foreign citizenship or those whose parents are foreigners
Applicants under the age of 40 on September 1, 2012 (born after September 1, 1972)
Applicants who achieve (or expect) a BA or an MA on August 31, 2012 * Applicants who do not have the experience of studying at the Graduate School in Korea (except the center of the Korean language)
Previous school overall GPA of B or above (3.0/4.0), or 80% from 100%
Give priority to students from partner universities, or the descendants of the Korean War veteran (proof required documents) in the case of a tie

Program for International Students

International Student Field Trip

Introduction: An event that visiting historic sites and traditional near Busan allow international students and foreign professors (including lecturers) experience Korean culture through outdoor activities and provide opportunities to meet and mingle between international students and Korean students.
Activities: Visiting historical places, Experiencing Culture program and the participating festivals, etc.
Schedule: after one semester (April, October)

International Day

Introduction: Event to help international students adjust their lives in Korea and to solve the difficulties of international students so that students will be able to focus on their studies
Activities: Receive and solve all sorts of questions about college life and academic issues
Schedule: more than once a semester

Korean Speech Contest

Introduction: Korean speech contest is held once a year for international students to enhance the ability of Korea
Activity: Presenting experiences or impressions of them as they study in Korea
Schedule: In May

Correction Korea Service

Introduction: Provide documentation that the correction service of international students to write in Korean
Activities: Correction service reports or international students write essays in Korean
Schedule: During business hours (09:00 ~ 18:00 except during lunch) * Reservation required


Graduate School
Person in charge: Mr. Jinsung Children (Admissions Department)
Tel: +82-51-629-5070
Fax: +82-51-629-5602
Student Housing
Person in charge: Mr. Wonzoo Park (Office of International Relations)
Tel: +82-51-629-6907
Fax: +82-51-629-6910

Pukyong National University
Address: 599-1 Daeyeon 3-Dong, Nam-Gu, Busan KOREA

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