Mar 26, 2012

International undergraduate scholarships, Bournemouth University, UK

This scholarship is offered to international applicants to BU (Bachelor) degree starting in September 2012. You will be eligible to apply for a BU Undergraduate International Scholarship if you can demonstrate an outstanding academic profile is relevant to your course. An outstanding academic profile is one that is considered equivalent to a Level 3 class 'A' rated by NARIC UK.

Who is eligible to apply for this scholarship?
All applicants to pay fees at the level of 'international' are eligible to apply.

For this scholarship program is the study valid?
Applicants for all three or four years of full-time undergraduate (Bachelor) program at the school the following may apply:

Business Schools
School of Design, Engineering & Computing
School of Health and Social Care
Media School
School of Tourism.

How many scholarships are awarded each year?

Business School - 5 scholarships
School of Design, Engineering & Computing - 10 scholarships
School of Health and Social Care - 5 scholarships
Media School - one of every three applicants
School of Tourism - 10 scholarships.

What is the value of scholarship?
£ 1000 paid for each academic year alone (not including job placement or repeat the year).

How can this scholarship be paid?
Scholarship paid by a reduction in tuition fees or by check.

What are the criteria for this scholarship?

You should be able to demonstrate an outstanding academic profile (equivalent to Grade 3 in English Level 'A' is assessed by NARIC)
You should be able to show that ordinary personal profile has been demonstrated in your personal statement.

Other information about this scholarship

Recipients of this scholarship can not be in receipt of any other BU scholarship
Applicants for courses delivered at the College Partner BU (BU campus in addition to courses based) are not eligible for this scholarship
Applicants for the one-year Top-up program are not eligible for this scholarship
Financial needs will not be considered.

How do I register?
The registration deadline is June 30, 2012 for a course at the School of Business, School of Design, Engineering & Computing, School of Health and Social Care and the School of Tourism.

The deadline for initial applications for the School Media program is March 15, 2012. If the required number of scholarships has not been given further deadline June 30, 2012 deadline will apply.

You can apply at the same time you submit your UCAS application or any time after. Late applications may be considered if all has not been awarded scholarships by the deadline.

Please note that the scholarship application forms must all be returned to the address below and not UCAS.

When will I hear if I have success?
Although we may contact you with a decision in principle is based on the scholarship application form, your award will not officially approved until you make a firm offer without conditions.

For more information:
askBU Student Services
Bournemouth University
Poole House
Fern Barrow
BH12 5BB

For more information, please visit the official website:

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