Dec 7, 2011

Mechanical factors play an important role in many basic biological phenomena at different spatial-temporal scales: from single cells to tissues and sub​​-cellular structures. The ability of cells to appropriately sense, process and utilize mechanical energy and the signal is essential for normal functioning of the whole organism. A number of serious illnesses, like cancer and progeria, are known associated with altered mechanical properties of cellular materials. To uncover the mechanisms behind the observed phenomena mechanobiological, we developed a new approach for quantitative analysis of cellular mechanics using the image and 3D model-based framework.

Within the scope of an ongoing multidisciplinary project, the relationship between genotype and phenotype of cell mechanics will be investigated systematically by using high-throughput screening of the mechanical properties of RNAi-knockdowns. The successful candidate will be given the opportunity to perform state-of-the-art research in the area, high-impact emerging science of molecular biology, bioinformatics and biophysics. Work will be performed in the division of Prof. Roland Eils in BioQuant, Center "Quantitative Analysis of Molecular and Cellular Biosystems' at the University of Heidelberg.

We are looking for highly motivated students with an educational background in biology, biotechnology or related science. Previous experience in experimental cell biology, microscopy, and computational data analysis is an advantage.

Applications including cover letter, CV and references (if available) should be submitted as a single PDF.

Application Deadline: December 31, 2011

For more information, please visit the official site:

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